
Educational Resources

Dynamic healthcare environments require that healthcare professionals stay current with the latest clinical procedures and technologies to deliver consistent clinical excellence, productivity, and a positive patient experience. Working closely with clinicians, universities and non-profits, our educational resources help you grow your knowledge. View our comprehensive list of educational resources below.

  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Formation en urodynamique à Toulouse

Le Professeur Xavier Game et Laborie sont heureux de vous convier à une journée formation en Urodynamique à Toulouse. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
  • Esophageal Manometry
Formation Aux Explorations Fonctionnelles Œsophagiennes

Le Professeur François MION et Laborie sont heureux de vous convier Formation aux Explorations Fonctionnelles Œsophagiennes.

Formation en urodynamique à Paris

Rejoignez le Prof. Jean-François Hermieu pour une formation en Urodynamique à Paris. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui.

  • Nov 25
Formation en urodynamique à Toulouse

Le Professeur Xavier Game et Laborie sont heureux de vous convier à une journée formation en Urodynamique à Toulouse. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
  • Oct 8
Formation Aux Explorations Fonctionnelles Œsophagiennes

Le Professeur François MION et Laborie sont heureux de vous convier Formation aux Explorations Fonctionnelles Œsophagiennes.

  • Sep 25
Formation en urodynamique à Paris

Rejoignez le Prof. Jean-François Hermieu pour une formation en Urodynamique à Paris. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui.

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
  • Esophageal Manometry
  • Gastroenterology
Advanced High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry

Learn about high-resolution manometry in diagnosing esophageal swallow disorders. Topics include esophagus anatomy, Chicago Classification, and enhancing patient pre-procedure assessment.

  • Obstetrics, Gynecology & Neonatology
babyLance Training for HCP’s (Litmos)

This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

a box that says ever lift on it
  • Gastroenterology
Managing Polyps in the GI Tract

This course emphasizes the prevention of colon cancer through the identification and management of colon polyps, including advanced techniques for managing GI tract lesions.

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
Advanced High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry

Learn about high-resolution manometry in diagnosing esophageal swallow disorders. Topics include esophagus anatomy, Chicago Classification, and enhancing patient pre-procedure assessment.

babyLance Training for HCP’s (Litmos)

This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

a box that says ever lift on it
Managing Polyps in the GI Tract

This course emphasizes the prevention of colon cancer through the identification and management of colon polyps, including advanced techniques for managing GI tract lesions.

a dell computer monitor displays a graphic
  • Gastroenterology
  • Pharyngeal Manometry
High-Resolution Pharyngeal Manometry (HRPM): interpretation and approach

By participating in this webinar, users of Laborie HRPM software have the unique opportunity to discuss real patient cases as well as submit their own patient cases for live interpretation online with Prof. O’Rourke.

  • Gastroenterology
Manometría de alta resolución y clasificación de Chicago 4.0. Interpretación de casos clínicos II.

Presentación, revisión, análisis e informes de registros de Manometría Esofágica de Alta Resolución. Casos clínicos de la Unidad de Motilidad del Hospital Universitario de La Princesa y casos remitidos por los participantes.

  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Urodynamic Studies: Basic Interpretation and Approach

This online webinar explains Urodynamic investigations and curve interpretation in order to improve the performance of examinations in daily practice.

a dell computer monitor displays a graphic
  • Nov 7
High-Resolution Pharyngeal Manometry (HRPM): interpretation and approach

By participating in this webinar, users of Laborie HRPM software have the unique opportunity to discuss real patient cases as well as submit their own patient cases for live interpretation online with Prof. O’Rourke.

  • Nov 5
Manometría de alta resolución y clasificación de Chicago 4.0. Interpretación de casos clínicos II.

Presentación, revisión, análisis e informes de registros de Manometría Esofágica de Alta Resolución. Casos clínicos de la Unidad de Motilidad del Hospital Universitario de La Princesa y casos remitidos por los participantes.

  • Oct 6
Urodynamic Studies: Basic Interpretation and Approach

This online webinar explains Urodynamic investigations and curve interpretation in order to improve the performance of examinations in daily practice.

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
  • Esophageal Manometry
  • Gastroenterology
High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry: Basic Concepts

Watch this on-demand webinar to understand the basic concepts of High-Resolution esophageal Manometry (HRM) and when it should be used in the clinical setting.

  • Gastroenterology
High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM)

Watch this webinar recording to enhance your knowledge of HRAM and the London Classification enabling you to improve test performance in daily clinical practice.

  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Le bilan urodynamique et le neurologique

Ce webinaire portera sur les problèmes de stockage et de vidange lors de troubles neurologiques spécifiques et sur la façon dont l’urodynamique peut aider à diagnostiquer le patient.

a dell computer monitor displays a laborie program
High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry: Basic Concepts

Watch this on-demand webinar to understand the basic concepts of High-Resolution esophageal Manometry (HRM) and when it should be used in the clinical setting.

High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM)

Watch this webinar recording to enhance your knowledge of HRAM and the London Classification enabling you to improve test performance in daily clinical practice.

Le bilan urodynamique et le neurologique

Ce webinaire portera sur les problèmes de stockage et de vidange lors de troubles neurologiques spécifiques et sur la façon dont l’urodynamique peut aider à diagnostiquer le patient.

  • Obstetrics, Gynecology & Neonatology
2025 FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Meet us at the 2025 FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Cape Town, South Africa!

  • URO Therapy
  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
2025 ICS-ESU Joint Meeting

Come visit us at the special joint Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society and the Emirates Urological Society, taking place in vibrant Abu Dhabi in 2025.

an aerial view of the city of london with the tower bridge in the foreground
  • Gastroenterology
  • GI Therapy
2025 NeuroGASTRO

The NeuroGASTRO conference is the premier forum for researchers and clinicians alike to present their original publications, studies and state-of-the-art findings in the field of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.

  • Oct 5
2025 FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Meet us at the 2025 FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Cape Town, South Africa!

  • Sep 18
2025 ICS-ESU Joint Meeting

Come visit us at the special joint Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society and the Emirates Urological Society, taking place in vibrant Abu Dhabi in 2025.

an aerial view of the city of london with the tower bridge in the foreground
  • Sep 4
2025 NeuroGASTRO

The NeuroGASTRO conference is the premier forum for researchers and clinicians alike to present their original publications, studies and state-of-the-art findings in the field of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.


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At Laborie, we believe that great healthcare is an essential safeguard of human dignity. Our Mission every day is to operate as a world-class specialist medical company making and advancing technologies that preserve and restore human dignity. We do that today by helping people with pelvic and gastrointestinal conditions live normal lives, and by helping mothers and babies have safe deliveries.

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