This policy aims to provide clarity to Laborie’s employees, customers, suppliers, and other relevant agents on our commitments to international human rights and labour standards through our direct operations and supply chain.
Laborie Medical Technologies and its subsidiaries, Clinical Innovations LLC, Medical Measurement Systems B.V. and Cogentix Medical (collectively identified below as Laborie), is committed to minimizing the marginalization and exploitation of its labour force, within the company and through its supply chain. The company will adhere to local labour laws and regulations relevant to the areas in which Laborie or its suppliers operate, as well as established ethical labour standards. The ethical labour standards are in alignment with the ETI Base Code and include:
Further, Laborie is committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights and labour standards as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Where local or national laws conflict with international standards, Laborie will seek to respect the internationally recognized human rights and labour standards while still complying/adhering to local or national laws.
Laborie expects its business partners and other parties, including but not limited to employees, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, and recruiters to respect the human rights and labour standards set out in this policy. Laborie will actively pursue those vendors who are capable of demonstrating that they adhere to local laws, regulations and the above listed standards, and, where applicable, will commit to work with vendors currently in the supply chain to ensure that their systems comply with this policy. Where noncompliance with this policy has been identified, Laborie will take prompt action to work with the supplier to resolve the identified issue. Laborie reserves the right to terminate supplier relationships where mitigation and resolution efforts have not yielded improvement or policy compliance.
Laborie is committed to continually improving its labour standards assurance system and this labour standards policy, and will work to meet identified targets to drive improvements. Laborie will commit to making sufficient resources available for the implementation, management, improvement and review of the Labour Standards Assurance System and this policy. To demonstrate this commitment, a Labour Standards Management Representative has been appointed and a cross-functional labour standards group, consisting of individuals from human resources, operations, supply chain, and other relevant agents has been established to engage the expertise of employees across the company.
This policy will be reviewed minimally on an annual basis to ensure continued relevancy to business objectives, consistency with the labour standards system, and alignment with legal and other requirements, and will be reported to top management. Additionally, this policy will be communicated to all employees, suppliers and business partners relevant to LSAS requirements and will be publicly available.
If there are any questions or concerns regarding this labour standards policy or its implementation, please email Laborie at
Nicole Boser Director, Quality and Regulatory (LSAS Management Representative) |
Dan Merz Vice President, Quality, Regulatory & Clinical Affairs |
Click here to view a signed copy of this agreement.