
Spot® Ex & Spot® Products

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Expedite Localization At Follow-up Procedures

  • By tattooing lesions with dark, permanent endoscopic tattoos, localization in colon resection surgery or post-polypectomy for follow-up colonoscopy can be fast and easy
  • Allows 100% visualization of the correct surgical site2
  • Decreases surgical procedure time and blood loss3

Frequently Asked Questions

Spot and Spot Ex comes in a 5 mL pre-filled syringe. Spot and Spot Ex is packaged in boxes of 10 syringes.

Spot Ex is permanent, affording clinicians a lifetime of follow-up procedures for their patients who are at future risk of colon cancer.

Spot Ex is the first and only endoscopic tattoo indicated for both surgical localization and clinical surveillance. Spot is indicated for surgical localization.

Clinical surveillance refers to a clinician’s choice to monitor, or follow-up with, a patient at future intervals based on practice guidelines. Endoscopic tattoos help ensure the clinicians identify the same area of interest at each surveillance interval.

Surgical localization refers to the surgeon’s need to precisely locate an area of interest that was previously identified endoscopically. Endoscopic tattoos placed by the referring gastroenterologist are readily located at the time of surgery, facilitating quicker surgical localization (1.)

Arteaga-Gonzalez 1 I, et. al., The use of preoperative endoscopic tattooing in laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery for endoscopically advanced tumors: a prospective comparative clinical study. World J Surg . 2006. 30(4):605–611

No. Spot Ex is an FDA-cleared medical device. It can be stored in the procedure room under normal conditions.

0.5-0.75ml of Spot Ex should be injected submucosally into four quadrants distal to the lesion of interest. Use a 23 or 25 gauge injection needle at an angle so that the beveled tip of the needle is entirely beneath the mucosa. If the needle is inserted perpendicular to the mucosa, there is a risk of penetrating the serosa and injecting the marker directly into the peritoneal cavity. Use of the Bleb Technique is recommended when placing a tattoo, to reduce the risk of transmural injection.

Spot is indicated for resection within 30 days; however, in a long-term clinical study Spot has been visible in patients for over 10 years.

(citation: Jackson FW. Long-term Visibility of Endoscopic Tattoos Using Sterile Carbon Suspension in a Prefilled Syringe. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2017; 112:S1–S45)

Spot Ex is permanent, affording clinicians a lifetime of follow-up procedures for their patients who are at future risk of colon cancer.

Store the product at room temperature. Store the syringe with the syringe tip pointed upward or lying on its side. Do not store with the syringe tip pointing down. Storing the syringe tip down may allow a portion of the carbon pigment to settle into the narrow syringe outlet and prevent it from being re-suspended.

Shaking the product for 15-20 seconds prior to loading the injection needle insures a consistent color throughout injection.

Spot Ex reference

1. Spot Ex Instructions For Use. Rev 07. October 2019
2. Arteaga-Gonzalez I, et. al., The use of preoperative endoscopic tattooing in laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery for endoscopically advanced tumors: a prospective comparative clinical study. World J Surg. 2006. 30(4):605–611.

Spot reference

1. Data on file.
2. Arteaga-Gonzalez I, et. al., The use of preoperative endoscopic tattooing in laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery for endoscopically advanced tumors: a prospective comparative clinical study. World J Surg. 2006. 30(4):605–611.

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