
Meducate® Patient Brochures

GI Education leaflets for patients.

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Educating your patients about their medical procedures or diagnoses, even after they return home, can help you meet meaningful use requirements, improve quality, and boost patient satisfaction.

  • Choose from the most extensive array of GI topics available
  • Personalize patient education brochures for your practice or facility
  • Provide your patients with the highest quality imagery and content

Topics and Item Numbers:

  • Disease and Procedure Topics: 50 brochures per title (one pack)
  • Dietary Topics: 10 brochures per title (one pack)
  • 3 pack minimum order (may be mixed and matched)

For any questions or to receive a quote, please contact us.

Disease and Procedure Topics

Care continues beyond the office visit, making patient education a key component of high quality patient care.

  • Largest variety of GI diseases and procedures
  • Available in both English and Spanish
  • Easy to read and understand
  • Convenient for patients and family members
  • Full color medical illustrations
  • Can be personalized for your practice or facility

Dietary Topics

Whether short-lived or long-term, changes in diet are sometime necessary for your patients to live happier, healthier lives.

  • Easy to read and understand
  • Convenient for patients and family members
  • Includes lists of foods to choose or limit
  • Includes nutritional information for specific foods
  • Provides helpful hints and sample menus

Frequently Asked Questions

You, as a practitioner your patient knows and trusts, are the first line of education for your patients, but there are only so many of your words your patients can retain long after they leave your office. Meducate GI Patient Educational brochures provide information patients may need to help manage their GI condition – it’s the next-best-thing to having you by their side 24-7.

By combining your words with an illustrated, easy to read brochures and complete set of starter kits,Patients are more informed on their condition, and have brochures in their possession in case they have additional questions or need clarification about their GI Condition. 

Both the patient education brochures and dietary booklets improve inter-office efficiency by saving valuable clinician time. They also facilitate compliance with Medicare’s Meaningful Use guidelines.

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